A female breast reduction is an option for women who are unhappy with the size, shape, weight etc. of their breasts whether for cosmetic reasons or health reasons. Some women may feel that their breasts are generally too large or perhaps they have grown to be asymmetrical and so seek this type of procedure to correct these issues. In other cases, the size of a woman’s breasts could have implications on their health and so a breast reduction is needed in order to reduce further issues.
Why choose a Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction is an excellent procedure to reduce the size and improve the shape of the breast, giving a more youthful appearance.
What are the main reasons that patients choose a Breast Reduction?
There are many reasons to consider surgery: excessive size and heaviness of the breasts limiting normal activities; sport; indentations on shoulders due to the bra; disproportion of the breasts/shoulders/hips; overall discomfort.
The surgery involves reshaping of the breasts and re-positioning of the nipples following the removal of skin, fat and glandular tissue where needed. The breast is reduced by moving the nipple into its new position and removing the part of the breast that appear excessive in relationship to the frame of the patient. The entire breast is then reshaped and sutured with care and attention to detail.
Length of procedure – The length of a breast reduction procedure is typically 2 to 4 hours.
Same day surgery: There is no overnight stay and patients can go home if they are local or we recommend they stay in a hotel if they are traveling from out of town.
Anesthesia – Depending on the size and on the preferences of the patient (usually general).
As with all surgical procedures, you will likely be asked by OCSA surgeons to alter certain aspects of your lifestyle to prepare for your operation and also during the aftercare period. This could include dietary alterations and tending to the wounds post-surgery.
Back to work – You can expect to be back to work within 1 to 2 weeks.
Physical exercise – It is ok to exercise the lower body after 2 weeks, but the upper body 4 to 8 weeks.
Contact with breasts – Wait 3 to 4 weeks.
Fading of scars – This can take several months to a year, occasionally more.
Temporary soreness and swelling; change in nipple sensation; nipple and fat necrosis (this is extremely rare); breasts can be sensitive to stimulation for a few weeks; the patient may become unable to breast-feed; scarring.
Every procedure carries some uncertainty and risks. The most common problems are bleeding or infection, increase or decrease in sensitivity of nipples or breast skin (which very occasionally can be permanent). Scars can sometimes be prominent or excessive.